Welcome to Shop The Queensway BIA!
Shop The Queensway BIA is a business improvement association whose mandate is to promote and stimulate local business. Aside from business promotion, marketing and branding the businesses along The Queensway, we are working towards streetscape improvements, park improvements, and bringing a sense of community back to this underserved area.
Shop The Queensway Festival has been celebrated since 2013 for The Queensway community, celebrating with a new mural, live music, family-friendly events, delicious food, drink, and local business participation. We can’t wait to see what the following years will hold. Stay in the loop by visiting our website and checking into our social media platforms for your need-to-knows on The Queensway.
For more information, please email us at info@shopthequeensway.com or visit toronto-bia.com/find-a-bia.